Thursday Aug 03, 2023

BEST and WORST Star Wars Retcons - Episode 15

In this episode, the guys discuss some of their favorite and least favorite retcons, edits, and origins as they argue far too much over what should be considered a "retcon." 

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Episode 15 and I FINALLY disagree with Matt. The Han Solo retcon is BAD. I watched Star Wars in 1977, and in my mind Han shot FIRST. He didn’t “kill Greedo in cold blood” however, because Greedo’s gun also went off, so I never considered Han a “bad guy” for doing it, since clearly Grredo would have killed him if given the chance. When the Solo movie came out and he kills Beckett in EXACTLY the same scenario, Beckett even acknowledges that “you’ve learned well” and to me VALIDATED killing Greedo

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

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